ASP.Net IIS Web.Config Error The entry DefaultConnection has ...

依目前資訊,在微軟還沒釋出修正前(我想像已有一堆師程工體軟正在爆肝寫解藥),要防範入侵,需將customErrors=On,設定defaultRedirect將全部錯誤導向同一個 ...,Ifthereturnedstatuscodedoesn'tmatchonealreadyspecifiedinanerrorelement,ASP.NETusesthevalueindef...。參考影片的文章的如下:


【重要提醒】請全面檢視並修改web.config customErrors!

依目前資訊,在微軟還沒釋出修正前(我想像已有一堆師程工體軟正在爆肝寫解藥),要防範入侵,需將customErrors=On,設定defaultRedirect將全部錯誤導向同一個 ...

Web.config customErrors element with ASP.NET explained

If the returned status code doesn't match one already specified in an error element, ASP.NET uses the value in defaultRedirect as a fallback.

ASP.NET 的錯誤訊息顯示設定

web> 頁簽中加入 <customErrors> 來顯示自訂的錯誤畫面,如下 <system.web> <customErrors mode=On defaultRedirect=Home/Error /> </system.web>. mode 代表是否 ...

CustomError 類別(System.Web.Configuration)

下列組態檔範例示範如何以宣告方式指定 customErrors 區段的值。 <customErrors mode=RemoteOnly defaultRedirect=customerror.htm> <error statusCode=404 redirect ...


更好的方法是使用自訂錯誤頁面,這需要建立和設計自訂錯誤頁面,並在區段的 defaultRedirect 屬性中 <customErrors> 指定其URL。 您甚至可以針對不同的HTTP ...

HttpErros 與CustomErrors 的自訂導向

CustomErrors. 可以參考MSDN 上的說明。 mode 必要屬性,有三種設定,預設 ... defaultRedirect=~/error.aspx redirectMode=ResponseRedirect ...

How to Use Web.Config customErrors in ASP.Net

customErrors can be configured within the Machine.config, root web.config or your application's web.config file. Usually, it is set in the web.config file for ...

How can I get customErrors' defaultRedirect value from code?

What I really wanted to ask was how to get defaultRedirect property of customErrors section from web.config of my asp mvc app?.

ASP.NET MVC4 CustomErrors DefaultRedirect Ignored

I have an MVC 4 app, using a custom HandleErrorAttribute to handle only custom exceptions. I would like to intercept the default 404 and other non-500 error ...


依目前資訊,在微軟還沒釋出修正前(我想像已有一堆師程工體軟正在爆肝寫解藥),要防範入侵,需將customErrors=On,設定defaultRedirect將全部錯誤導向同一個 ...,Ifthereturnedstatuscodedoesn'tmatchonealreadyspecifiedinanerrorelement,ASP.NETusesthevalueindefaultRedirectasafallback.,web>頁簽中加入來顯示自訂的錯誤畫面,如下